Friday, December 18, 2009

Montana Website Makeover

I was just checking out the weather in good ol' Montana when I saw an advertisement to check out the new Montana State visitor website. I clicked over and was pleasantly surprised by the sophisticated new look of the site. As far as I remember, the old website consisted of less than five pages and looked like it was made circa 1996, which it probably was. Kudos to my home state for updating their visitor site and showing what Montana has to offer. Check out the website here.

Wednesday, December 16, 2009

Project #1 - Take 3

I rewrote and redesigned my Project 1 to get a better grade, so here's what I have so far. Take a look and let me know if you have any comments. Thanks!

Friday, December 11, 2009

Project #6 Inspiration

I've been looking for some design inspiration for my How-To project and decided to go with an outdoorsy theme, considering my topic is "How to Capture Sasquatch." But I thought I'd take it a step further and make the design look like a Boy Scout handbook. For inspiration, I found some ephemera (a new word I learned in class this semester) showing vintage outdoorsy and scouting details. Take a look below.

Tuesday, December 8, 2009

Show & Tell #10 - Unnecessary Process

My final show & tell of the semester - sad day! For this one, we had to find an example of an unnecessary process. Here's mine:

How to Eat David Sunflower Seeds Crack the shell with your teeth, eat the seed and spit the shell. Experienced seeders pop a handful of seeds in their mouth and store them in one cheek, then transfer a seed over to the other side with their tongue, crack it, then eat the seed and spit the shell.

I especially like how they include the information on how "experienced seeders" do it. That's fantastically ridiculous.

Monday, December 7, 2009

Threadless - T-Shirt Heaven

How I love Threadless, let me count the ways... Threadless isn't just an online t-shirt store, it's so much more! In addition to the fantastic t-shirt designs (which are also available on hoodies and even just as a print), Threadless also allows users to submit their own t-shirt designs. And users can also vote on which designs they think are the coolest. It's almost too good. Here are just a few of my favorite recent additions:

Friday, December 4, 2009

Undergraduate How-to

I totally forgot that I did a how-to in my undergraduate degree. I found this in one of the seventeen (give or take) flash drives that I have lying around my desk. The project was for an advanced writing class where we had to work in groups. Our group had to write a process for professors and instructors on how to use Blackboard - a technology similar to WebTycho. The final product was a small handbook for users to refer to.

Apparently, I liked to use a lot of words in titles back then too. Amy would not approve of that!

Thursday, December 3, 2009

Project #5 - Insect Incinerator

So, here's what I have for my Project 5. I plan to include the Enemy Profile as a leaflet inside my package. Any questions, comments, or suggestions are greatly appreciated!

Tuesday, December 1, 2009

Donut Seeds

Fantastic idea to repackage an existing product as a completely new product. Fun! Check it out here!